What is so special about Klangsalon


We try to bring the somewhat cumbersome concept of sustainability into line with its three dimensions: social sustainability, ecological sustainability and economic sustainability are goals that are linked and brought into balance.

Music schools like Klangsalon, based in green Solingen, make an enormous contribution to a world worth living in and a peaceful, democratic society. Lifelong learning, good education and health are the guiding principles of Agenda 2030, which the UN, European states, the federal government, states and municipalities have agreed on.

Anyone who actively learns a musical instrument and makes music together with others in a team makes the world a little bit better and lives and has a lasting impact!

Sustainability is of course also an attitude: Klangsalon owner Sabine Charlotte Langen (left in the picture at the stage piano) and Klangsalon music trainers such as guitarist Leo Henrichs live this principle. The picture shows our participation stand at the "Music in the Garden" event at Waldhof Hackhausen in Solingen in June 2023. The piano comes from GEWA, a German musical instrument maker with a sustainability strategy.

About Us

Social sustainability at Klangsalon:

  • Our low-threshold musical offerings motivate people with no previous musical knowledge to learn an instrument. The Klangsalon method "colors instead of notes" overcomes language barriers and thus has an integrative effect.

  • The quick successes in the Klangsalon music training promote good mood, health and team spirit.

  • A fair, open approach to customers, students and cooperation partners contributes to a more peaceful coexistence. For example, at Klangsalon there are no automatic contract extensions.

  • We place great value on making music together and regularly hold community events. In the sound salon, people of all ages between 6 and 86 meet and learn from each other - the music school thus becomes a social meeting place for all generations.

  • The Klangsalon music school is a committed member of the Federal Association of Independent Music Schools. Together we are committed to the colorful diversity in our democratically organized society.
Course program

Ecological sustainability at Klangsalon:

Our location at Bonner Straße 233 in 42697 Solingen is sustainable.

This means specifically:

  • Excellent accessibility by public transport: "Tränke" bus stop right outside the front door; Solingen ICE main station about 2 km away

  • In-house e-charging station for e-cars or e-scooters

  • Property is partially powered by self-produced green electricity

  • Filter coffee, organic tea & drinks from regional suppliers for students, customers and accompanying persons

  • Instruments from German manufacturers with a sustainability concept, e.g. Schimmel, Grotrian Steinweg and Gewa

  • Sustainable services such as RENT INSTEAD OF BUYING: For children and adult beginners, Klangsalon offers used keyboards for rent

    • Beautiful location in the countryside with a view of the natural garden (no use of pesticides etc.)

      • Green event concept: Reduction of the CO2 footprint at Klangsalon music workshops and company events in other regions through the use of public transport and cooperation with local partners

make contact

Economic sustainability at Klangsalon:

The Klangsalon Music School & Team Event Agency is economically sustainable. Unlike municipal music schools, we do not receive any state funding. We have been around since 2009, Sabine Charlotte Langen is the owner and we want to be able to survive on the market in the future and make the world a little more livable with our offers and services through music.

We calculate our prices for private clients and corporate events so that we can make a profit and live off our fees.

By the way: We want to grow and are looking for music trainers who will work with us to ensure enthusiastic customers and company teams.


Keynote speeches & sustainability workshops for music schools

Managers develop guidelines for sustainable music schools

Sabine Charlotte Langen, Klangsalon owner, gave a keynote speech on the topic of sustainability at the symposium of the Federal Association of Independent Music Schools in Berlin in April 2023.

In their workshop "Guidelines for Sustainable Music Schools", the music school directors discussed what they have already implemented in terms of sustainability in their own music school and what they plan to do in the future. A concrete guideline for successful sustainable music school management was presented, discussed by the managers and further developed for their own music school.

Martin H. Schmidt, director of the Brand Music School in Aachen, took many stimulating ideas with him from the two-day bdfm symposium and is already developing a catalogue of measures that he wants to implement next year: "The keynote speech and workshop sparked enthusiasm among us," he reports after the workshop.

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